HIV Infection

Nurses are dedicated to enhancing and preserving lives, whether it is by providing patient care at the bedside or advocating for patients’ rights. In actuality, nurses have a distinctive and important influence on the health and well-being of the people, homes, and populations they serve. All these sum up to the exacting nature of nursing studies that makes assignments for nursing students difficult. My homeworkwriters are here to serve your request for any assignment available. An example of such a question is;

Question # 12 A 32-year-old man with HIV infection is brought to the emergency department by his roommate because of a 2-week history of progressively worsening headache and vomiting. Current medications include trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, dolutegravir, and tenofovir-emtricitabine. His temperature is 38.5°C (101.3°F). Physical examination shows nuchal rigidity. Kernig and Brudzinski signs are present. A lumbar puncture is performed and shows an opening pressure of 32 cm H20 (N: <20). The pathogen isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can be cultured on Sabouraud agar. Further evaluation of this patient’s CSF is most likely to show which of the following additional findings?



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