Diminished Gag Reflex And Loss Of Pain And Temperature Over The Left Face

Certainly, a nursing course is an ideal option if a person wants to have a successful career in the healthcare sector because it offers more in terms of compensation, job advancement, and higher education than many other courses. Although the nursing course has a lot of pros, students do not seize to complain about how the nursing course is demanding and hard when it comes to assignments. This should not bother you anymore because at myhomeworkwriters have the best competent workers who will help out in the best way. an example of a question is;

Question #19 A 79-year-old woman is brought to the emergency department because of a l-hour history of hoarseness. Her pulse is 85/min and blood pressure is 142/90 mm Hg. Physical examination shows a diminished gag reflex and loss of pain and temperature over the left face and right trunk and extremities. There is no facial asymmetry and the tongue does not deviate when protruded. Her strength is 5/5 bilaterally in both the upper and lower extremities. Ophthalmologic examination shows involuntary, rhythmic ocular movements. There is left-sided miosis and ptosis. This patient’s condition is most likely caused by occlusion of which of the following vessels?


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