Business &Finance

Policymakers And Healthcare Managers

As policymakers and healthcare managers consider various ways to contain the rising costs of health care, it is useful to examine the patterns and elements of health care costs that are needed to run the United States delivery system. Explain the difference between fixed and variable costs in healthcare. Give an example of each from […]

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Sources Of Revenue In For-Profit Healthcare

For this assignment, you will be looking at sources of revenue for HCA Healthcare, Inc. Please visit the following link: SEC Filings for HCA Healthcare, Inc. Select the most recent 10-Q filing and review the contents. In particular, review the section on revenue amounts from third-party payers (i.e. Medicare, Medicaid, Managed Care and Insurers, etc.) […]

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Measuring The Economy’s Performance

For this assignment, you should use the information found on the official government website: Based on the information contained on the Web site above, answer the following questions: What does the gross domestic product (GDP) tell us? How did GDP change from 2008? What caused these changes? What is real GDP? What was real […]

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Explore International Business Environments

Explore International Business Environments Each day, millions of people work in teams to plan and implement business activities. The activities of these teams range from creating new products for international markets to cross-cultural negotiations for joint venture agreements. While many teams involve people from the same country or similar cultures, other work groups require interaction […]

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Social Media

Social Media Brand Winner & Loser of the week: you can choose to present an article, ad, press release, etc. from any current publication or credible Internet source. There is something happening on social media every day, brands are launching new products, artists are releasing new music. Sometimes the ideas can be great and sometimes […]

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Organizational Theory

Select one of the following terms for your research: coercive forces, institutional environment, inter-organizational relationships, joint venture, legitimacy, niche, retention, strategic alliance, or trade association. For more information on organizational Theory check on this:

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Managerial Diversity

Watch the program found at: Prepare a 4-5 page (of text )summary and response (be sure to include: a synopsis of the video, its relevance to this course, how pressure from groups can influence the importance of research, and your opinion).For more information on Managerial Diversitycheck this:

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Financial Management

Respond to 2 peers My Post -What are the four statements contained in most annual reports? The first financial statement is a balance sheet, which summarizes the organization’s financial position. A balance sheet provides a list of all the organization’s assets, liabilities, and equity owned by stakeholders. The assets listed are either current assets, such […]

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Marketing Project

Create a strategic marketing plan for the organization by conducting secondary research and interviewing an individual at the organization who has the authority to implement the strategic marketing plan for the organization. You will be required to provide the name, position and contact information (phone number and email address) of the person at the organization […]

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Sources Of Revenue In For-Profit Healthcare

For this assignment, you will be looking at sources of revenue for HCA Healthcare, Inc. Please visit the following link: SEC Filings for HCA Healthcare, Inc. Select the most recent 10-Q filing and review the contents. In particular, review the section on revenue amounts from third-party payers (i.e. Medicare, Medicaid, Managed Care and Insurers, etc.) […]

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